Monday, May 14, 2007

Has MLK's Dream Been Realized - Labor

Many Minority groups including African Americans and Hispanics have made great strides to become more educated and obtain better jobs for themselves. The African American population has increased its employment by around 9 million people since 1980 and the Hispanic population has had a near 17 million employment increase since 1980. There has also been a high increase of women employment since the 1970s and Asians have also had a strong employment increase.

On the other side, however, there have been some big problems for several minority groups. Although groups such as African Americans and Hispanics have found there employment rates up, these groups average money in one week than both White and Asian Americans. A major contributor to this problem is the fact that Whites and Asians are working at higher quality and better paying jobs while African Americans and Hispanics are working at lower quality and lower paying jobs. An example of this is that the percentage of white physicians and surgeons is 23 percent higher than the number of African American physicians.

For MLK's dream to truly be fulfilled these major and minor problems in the labor system must be solved. These problems in one way or another affect every American in our nation there are some problems that everybody cal help solve while only a select few can solve another problem. If everybody in our nation got together to help the labor system, it would be fixed and beneficial to this country as a whole.

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